Registration Information

Last date of registration : November 30, 2023

Registration fee includes conference proceedings, conference kit, breakfast and lunch on all three days and gala dinner. Limited accommodation will be arranged on first-cum-first serve basis.

Category Indian Participant
Academic & Research Professionals
Rs 3000
Academic & Research Professionals with spouse
Rs 5000
Industry professionals
Rs 8000
Industry professionals with spouse
Rs 10000
Students and Postdocs
Rs 1000

Registration Guidelines

1. The payment for the conference may be done using any of the below methods i.e. 1. SBI Collect 2. NEFT Transaction.

2. The screenshot of the payment confirmation needs to be uploaded while filling the registration form.

3. In case of any issue/query or clarification, kindly mail us at

Payment methods:

2. Details for NEFT Transaction

* Please mention Conference Code CONFR-160-ESD in payment remarks

* Kindly keep a screenshot of receipt after payment to upload at the registration link.

Abstract Submission and Registration link: